The Ponaganset Prespective

Chabot Fine Art Gallery is proud to welcome the students from the Ponaganset Middle and High Schools from the Foster Glocester School System for an exhibition of their works sponsored by the Ponaganset Education Foundation.

Over 200 pieces of student art- work will be on display, a number of which have already been recognized with Rhode Island Scholastic Art Awards. What makes this a truly educational experience for these young aspiring artists is the opportunity to not only create the artwork, but to assist Chabot Gallery in curating, hanging and marketing their work.  This glimpse into the entire spectrum of the Art World is an unprecedented event for the Ponaganset Schools.

Opening Reception April 9 -16

Tuesday – Saturday 12-6pm

Friday 12-8pm

The Ponaganset Perspective” is a fundraiser for the Ponaganset Education Foundation and proceeds from sale of the art -work will be divided between the students and the Foundation.  In addition a silent auction of donated art pieces from local artists and artisans, as well as recent alumni, will be conducted for the duration of the show.  All funds raised will contribute to the efforts of the Foundation to foster student excellence, teacher creativity and school-based initiatives at the Ponaganset Schools through annual competitive grant awards.  In the past three years the Foundation has awarded nearly ten thousand dollars in educational grants to the schools. While not all the art- work will be for sale, it is the student’s option prints will be made available upon request.

Admission to “The Ponaganset Perspective” is free.  Refreshments will be served at the opening on the 9th and the Chabot Fine Art Gallery will host the closing event on the 16th.  Weekend and evening parking is available close by and the historic Federal Hill section of Providence makes a visit to the Gallery for this, ‘one of a kind,’ show for the Foster Glocester District a very rewarding experience.