Thru The Eye of The Lens

Chabot Fine Art Gallery is pleased to introduce photographer Douglas Racine to the gallery. Racine’s photography captures nature at its best. His spectacular shots are a testament to his ability to see beyond what the novice eye can see to capture amazing photos that often are once in lifetime opportunities. Racine was born in Rhode Island and presently lives in upper state New York where thru the eye of his camera lens most of his photos are taken. An engineer by trade, he began his avocation of photography when a friend bought him a camera a few years ago. Bob Marcotte, who is the assistant presentation editor of the Democrat and Chronicle writes the blog “The Word on Birds” and quotes on Racine’s work “Wow! What a spectacular display!” Racine’s photos are often seen on many New York Television Shows and were recently acclaimed by the Smithsonian National Zoological Parks where they exhibit some of his works on their website.

This photographic exhibit is a must see for nature lovers!

June 15th – June 27th

Opening Reception Gallery Night June 17   5 – 9 PM